Guld’s historie og fremtid

Vi faldt over dette indslag med James Turk. Dette giver et rigtig godt indblik i hvad guld er og hvorfor det er en god idé at eje guld. Guld virker som en finansiel forsikring i usikre tider. Vi lever i en tid på ukendt territorie med negative renter som teoretisk set blandt økonomer ikke var et muligt scenarie. Guld bevarer din købekraft over tid hvorimod valuta mister sin værdi over tid. OBS. Videoen er fra 2017 men meget relevant.

James Turk has specialized in international banking, finance and investments since graduating in 1969 from George Washington University with a B.A. degree in International Economics. His business career began at The Chase Manhattan Bank, which included assignments in Thailand, the Philippines and Hong Kong. He subsequently joined the investment and trading company of a prominent precious metals trader based in Greenwich, Connecticut. He moved to the United Arab Emirates in December 1983 to be appointed Manager of the Commodity Department of the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, a position he held until resigning in 1987.

Since 1987 James Turk has written The Freemarket Gold & Money Report, an investment newsletter that publishes twenty issues annually. He is the author of The Illusions of Prosperity (1985), SOCIAL SECURITY Lies, Myths and Reality (1992) and several monographs and articles on money and banking.

He founded based on two US patents awarded to him for digital gold currency, which enables gold to circulate efficiently as currency.




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